Wahoo! VENT won a silver award in the Audio Production Awards 2020, in the Grassroots Production Award category....

i hate google meet
I attended this year’s virtual Third Coast Festival (aka Third Place). At one point during it, Maya Goldberg-Safir...

VENT Documentaries, Series 3 – podcast from VICE UK x LBOC2020
The third series of VENT Documentaries has dropped and this one is all about Justice. The young people...

Soundhouse: Intimacy and Distance – The Barbican
Earlier this year I was invited by the audio producers Eleanor McDowall and Nina Garthwaite to curate a ‘listening...

2020 Miller Audio Prize in Audio Documentary
I’m really excited and amazed to say that I was recently announced as the winner of the 2020 Miller Audio...

VENT Documentaries, Series 2 – podcast from VICE UK x LBOC2020
Excited to say that the second series of VENT Documentaries has started! I’ve linked the first episode above....

KCRW 24hr Radio Race 2020 – TIME WARP!
Me and my pal Jess decided to enter the KCRW 24hr Radio Race for the first time this...

The Toilets At Home Are All Gender Neutral – Short Cuts – BBC Radio 4
It’s extremely cool to me that a piece I made a couple of years ago – The Toilets At...

International Trans Person Helpline – Antibody / The Dig
This is a collaboration between me and my good friend (and amazing audio producer) Cassius Adair. We made...

Pride & Joy – BBC Sounds
Over the last few months I’ve been working alongside producer Dasha Lisitsina, and host Freddy McConnell, to make...