Creativity Works – Podcasting course tutoring
Creativity Works is a project from the charity A New Direction, which helps young people from London break into the creative industries. Their courses for young people are completely free, and they get an amazing range of teaching from people across the industry, doing workshops, panel discussions, talks, networking, etc.
I was a tutor on their recent six week long podcasting course, along with my friend and Multitrack collaborator Nicole Logan. We spent a day a week with the amazing podcasting cohort, and we shared some talks and presentations, ran workshops, hosted panel discussions, and got to work one-on-one with the young people as they each created a piece of audio to deliver by the end of the course.
Their brief for the piece was set by the Migrating Museum in Lewisham, and it asked them to explore a local community space, or place where people gather together. It could be a business, community space, etc. For many in the group, this was their first time creating anything in audio, so it was a big achievement to complete a piece within six weeks.
Here is a playlist where you can hear all the amazing audio they made: